carnivalThe Carnival is scheduled for May 31st, but volunteer positions and preparations need to start now!  Below is a list of open positions:

  • Chairperson-1 person to oversee the following:
  • Decorations-1 or more people to coordinate and create decorations.
  • Games/Class Booth Reps-1 person to solicit a game booth rep for each class.  Game booth reps then coordinate volunteers from their child’s class to cover all shifts of the Carnival.
  • Prizes-2 people recommended to inventory prizes left over from last year and order new prizes for this year’s game booths and prize table and coordinate volunteers to cover shifts at the prize table.
  • Ticket Sales-1 person to coordinate pre-sales (includes counting money, creating deposits and distributing tickets) and coordinating the ticket sales table the day of Carnival.
  • Publicity/Advertising-1 person to produce and distribute fliers.

The Carnival is a wonderful community building event and something the children look forward to as a school wide year end party.  It takes a lot of volunteers but the time and effort produces a wonderful event enjoyed by all!

Please contact Jill Weinstein at, for more information or if you are ready help.