Booth Rep Meeting is for Wednesday, May 8 at 2:30pm in the library. This is when you pick the booth for your class and receive the folder.
Help Please! These are the classrooms that don’t have a booth representative for the Carnival: Kindergarten: Cannon, Orchard, Rice 1st Grade: Brown, Langeliers, McCombs 2nd Grade: Bell LeBaron, 3rd Grade: White, 4th Grade: Smith, 5th Grade: Miller, Sheffels/Reed.
The job of a booth representative is easy and fun. It takes about 3 hours of your time. The booth rep recruits and schedules volunteers from the classroom and makes a sign and decorates a coffee can. The game folder has all the game rules and schedule sheet. We try to make this as easy as possible for you. If you have any questions please email if you can help out and make this carnival a fun event for all the kids. Thank you, Heidi Weinkauf