JogAThon_logo_2013_colorFriday, September 27th is the date for this year’s Jog-A-Thon, one of two major fundraisers for the 2013-2014 school year. The funds raised by our children help to support many programs for the children such as Art Lit, reading and math assistants, field trips, school assemblies, carnival and other fun classroom activities.

Please help us meet our goal by supporting your student. Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents are great pledge contacts. Keep your eyes open for the pledge envelopes, which will be coming home on September 21.

Jog-A-Thon is also a great way to get involved with your child in their class at the beginning of the school year. Parents are encouraged to attend and cheer on the children as they run their laps (younger siblings are also welcome). It is a fun event enjoyed by everyone, children, staff and parents. You can also volunteer on the track or to help count laps on September 27th. Sign-up sheets will be available at Back-to-School Night or check Jog-A-Thon in the volunteer want-ads in the Friday Flyer.

Please help make this year’s Jog-A-Thon a huge success and come cheer on your student as they run, volunteer to help count laps or tally pledge envelopes. We hope to see you there!

Run Times and Shirt Colors

Please have your child wear a t-shirt in his/her class color on the day of Jog-a-thon. Class running times & shirt colors are as follows:

[table style=”1″]
Run Time Grade Class Shirt Color
Blue Red Green Yellow
9:00-9:20 Kindergartners Orchard (AM) Rice
9:30-10:00 5th graders Sheffels Miller Barendse
10:10-10:40 3rd graders Krebs Zell
10:50-11:20 4th graders Otto Smith Waufle
12:10-12:40 1st graders Brown Langeliers McCombs Orchard (PM)
12:50-1:20 2nd graders Bell LeBaron White


Please contact Jill Weinstein ( or Amanda Pileri (