The school carnival is just around the corner and we are looking for volunteers to help out in varying degrees with various jobs.
The carnival takes many hands to make this event a success. Please consider helping out in one, or more, of the following ways.
Become a Booth Representative
You can do this from home. Recruit volunteers to help set up, work shifts in the booth and tear down.
Volunteer for a shift in your classroom booth, or another classroom’s booth, if your booth is full.
Volunteer to help to with any of the following:
- Decorate – work with carnival co-chair, Kacie Price, in charge of decorations.
- Set up – work with carnival co-chair, Elizabeth Young.
- Help move games down from carnival loft into gym after school Thursday,
- Help set up booths staring around noon on Friday. Help set up inflatables around 3 pm Friday, set up tents, bring games into the respective booths,
- Help move tables, desks and chairs to booths in the gym (starting around noon on Friday) and out on the blacktop outside (after school on Friday),
- Help move cafeteria tables to undercover area
- Tear down – work with carnival co-chair, Elizabeth Young.
- After the carnival closes (7:30pm for game booths/8:00 pm for prize booth) – help move games back up to carnival loft,
- move tables, desks and chairs back to where they came from,
- cafeteria tables brought in from outside,
- help pack up inflatables and take down tents.
Most booths are easy enough that kids can help out. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents….all are welcome to help out.
If I know your availability and what you’d like to help with, I can make sure to get you prepared before you arrive at the school to help you hit the ground running when you arrive.
If you are interested or have questions, please email Elizabeth Young at or call her at (360) 607-8375.