On Saturday, February 23, Mary Woodward will hold its Battle of the Books competition, and we are seeking parent volunteers to act as moderators and timers/scorers during our battles that day. Our battle day tournament is greatly dependent on parent volunteers, and we need your help!
Parents of 3rd-5th graders participating in the competition prefer to watch their child compete rather than volunteer on battle day, which is why we need you! If you know someone who has a child competing, or you just love reading, please consider volunteering to show your support of our school competition.
The tournament on February 23 is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. By around 10:00-10:30, our volunteer needs will reduce by half, since it is a double elimination tournament. Nearly all volunteers should be done by around noon, with just our final few battles happening after lunch.
We will hold a brief training in February to ensure all volunteers understand the structure, and all battles are played according to the same rules. Training dates will be announced soon.
If you are willing to volunteer on tournament day, Saturday, February 23, please email Melanie Bailey (mbailey@ttsd.k12.or.us). Thank you for your consideration and support of this unique and enriching reading competition!
Melanie Bailey, Maegan Zell, and Jen Vasicek