Mary Woodward Family Movie Night Presents…

Please join us for a very fun family event on Friday November 21st at Mary Woodward Elementary. The doors will open at 6:00 and the movie will begin at 6:15. Feel free to bring something to sit on and a dinner to enjoy while watching the movie. We will have bottled...

Piccolo Mondo Fundraiser Event Days

Mary Woodward is teaming up with Piccolo Mondo for a very special fundraising opportunity from Nov 10th through Nov 14th. The store will donate 15% of purchases made by Mary Woodward families during those four days. Just bring in the flyer that will be coming home...

Candy Donation Program is Back

The Candy donation program is back for another year to help raise money for Mary Woodward! Bring your unwanted candy between November 3-7th to the island or school lobby. Our goal this year is to bring in 500 lbs of candy. If we meet this goal, Mr. Nihill will dress...

Five Guys Burgers and Fries Fundraiser

Please join your friends in supporting our school at Five Guys Burgers and fries in Murrayhill on October 16th from 3-9PM. 15% of purchases made by Mary Woodward families will be donated back to the school. Fliers will be sent home, so bring it with you to get credit...

Wanted: Professional Photographer for Hire

Spread the word!  The Family Events Committee is looking to hire a professional photographer to take portrait pictures at the Mary Woodward Daughter Dance and Son Dance.  The dates of the dances are Feb. 6th, 2015 and Mar. 6th, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 on both nights....