The Yearbook is on Sale Now

The Yearbook is on Sale Now

Have you ordered your copy of the Mary Woodward Yearbook yet? This year’s cover was designed by 5th grade student Emily Bunnell.   The pages are all in color and include pictures from Jog-A-Thon, Halloween, the Father and Daughter Dance, the Mother and Son Dance, 4th...

Auction Update

The annual PSO auction was held April 20 at the Tualatin Country Club.  We raised $28,000 at this fun event for next year’s PSO programs! Thank you very much to Bull Mountain Orthodontics for their silver level sponsorship, and to Oregon Music Academy, Barney Family...
Carnival Volunteers Needed!

Carnival Volunteers Needed!

The Carnival is scheduled for May 31st, but volunteer positions and preparations need to start now!  Below is a list of open positions: Chairperson-1 person to oversee the following: Decorations-1 or more people to coordinate and create decorations. Games/Class Booth...