May 2, 2013 | Events, Fundraisers, News Archives, Volunteer Opportunities
Booth Rep Meeting is for Wednesday, May 8 at 2:30pm in the library. This is when you pick the booth for your class and receive the folder. Help Please! These are the classrooms that don’t have a booth representative for the Carnival: Kindergarten: Cannon,...
May 2, 2013 | Fundraisers, News Archives
Have you ordered your copy of the Mary Woodward Yearbook yet? This year’s cover was designed by 5th grade student Emily Bunnell. The pages are all in color and include pictures from Jog-A-Thon, Halloween, the Father and Daughter Dance, the Mother and Son Dance, 4th...
May 2, 2013 | Events, Fundraisers, News Archives, Spring Fundraiser
The annual PSO auction was held April 20 at the Tualatin Country Club. We raised $28,000 at this fun event for next year’s PSO programs! Thank you very much to Bull Mountain Orthodontics for their silver level sponsorship, and to Oregon Music Academy, Barney Family...
Mar 6, 2013 | Events, Fundraisers, News Archives, Spring Fundraiser
Click on the link below to download the latest news about the auction! Read the Flyer
Feb 6, 2013 | Events, News Archives
March 1, 2013 6:30pm-8:30pm $10/family at the door $20 or $25/family with photo Cake, cookies & punch will be served!
Feb 6, 2013 | Events, News Archives
March 8, 2013 6:30pm-8:30pm $10/family at the door $20 or $25/family with photo Cake, cookies & punch will be served!